
Friday, January 31, 2014

One By Two
Cast: Abhay Deol, Preeti Desai, Lillete Dubey, Rati Agnihotri

Direction: Devika Bhagat

One By Two’ deserves an award for the most uninspired piece of work. This is the kind of experimental film, which should have been probably been a film school project and never made it to the big screen. Abhay Deol sleepwalks through a film that reeks of shoddy writing and dull characterization. Amit Sharma (Abhay Deol) is a lousy employee, a boring lover and basically a loser who loves to wallow in self-pity after his girlfriend ruthlessly dumps him. Instead of channelizing his energy into something worthwhile, he continues to be obnoxious to people around in more ways than one. In a parallel world, Samara Patel (Preeti Desai) with a size zero body and very long legs aspires to become a successful dancer. Her mother (Lillete Dubey) is an alcoholic and she has a spate of bad luck before she can realize her dream. Unlike what the trailers would have you believe, the two lead characters actually have little in common. In fact if you go to the film expecting a real life romance will play out on the big screen, you’ll be super disappointed because our characters don’t even meet till the very last scene in the film. The supporting cast of the film deserves a special mention for being the most irritating ensemble cast in recent times and Preetika Chawla would sure lead the pack if there was a way to gauge irksomeness. Lillete Dubey is saddled with a clichéd part – single mother, alcoholic and insecure, it’s difficult to rise above that prescription. Devika Bhagat experiments with the some unusual camera angles and split screen edits and it would have probably worked if there was some meat in the story. Unfortunately there is no way to make a shabby script work. Shankar, Ehsan, Loy’s music provides no reprieve. My one star is for the impressive pieces of choreography performed by Ashley Lobo’s troupe. That was the only sliver of silver lining in the film.